Columbia Pest Control originally began as a franchise in California and has been in business for over 70 years. The owner, Jeffrey Arnell, took ownership in 2015 shortly after moving his family to Utah, in the Davis County area. Jeffrey worked as a technician in 2014 and learned very quickly that his understanding and treatment for Utah pests came naturally. He took pride in his ability to solve community members’ pest issues quickly and at a fraction of what many other companies were charging for their services.
Jeffrey had no intention of owning a pest control company but the financial challenges of 2008-2010 forced him to look at other business alternatives to take care of his family. Once Jeffrey was introduced to the pest control field, he took to it like a moth to a flame and hasn’t looked back.
Jeffrey and his wife Maren have two handsome little boys and enjoy playing outside and in the water. Jeffery tries to golf as often as Maren will let him and Maren keeps her family grounded and well fed with her “pre-children chef” career skills